Sunday, December 9, 2012

Flying Solo

I had an amazing solo flight! After about four laps in the flight pattern, my instructor has me pull up to the holding area and he jumps out. A wave goodbye and I was entering runway 25 at KAJO solo. Punching in the throttle felt great. It was a huge sense of power and control as well as recluse! There was no turning back at that point. In the air I found myself calling out what to do next. So used to hearing my instructors voice, my own sounded out of place and at the same time so right. On the downwind for runway left 25 I looked out at my home town. It was surreal. Though I had already been practicing this flight over and over, and have been practicing around the city, this time was different. I was saying hello to my home environment in new way. Before too long, I was ready to cut back the power and glide down to a near perfect landing at the airport. I pulled off the runway and taxied back to where my instructor was watching. I got a thumbs up and another wave goodbye. I took off the runway again.

It is a glorious feeling, flight. It is something that has changed me forever. No matter what the future holds for me in aviation, extensive or not, I am a pilot. I will forever be a pilot, longingly looking toward the skies; waiting for the day I return to them.

Aerodynamics: Flight Controls

Flight Controls
The three primary flight controls of an airplane are the ailerons, the elevator (or stabilator), and the rudder.

  • Movement of any of these primary flight control surfaces changes the airflow and pressure distribution over and around the airfoil.  These changes affect the lift and drag produced and allow a pilot to control the aircraft about its three axes of rotation.
Ailerons are the surface attached to each wing that move up or down in the opposite direction of each other simultaneously. It allows the pilot to control roll about the longitudinal axis,

  • Example: Moving the yoke (or stick) to the right causes the right aileron to deflect upward, resulting in decreased lift on the right wing. The left aileron moves in the opposite direction and increases lift on the left wing. This causes the aircraft to roll to the right.
The elevator is responsible for pitch attitude, about the lateral axis. It is at the tail of the airplane, located on the horizontal stabilizer.

  • Example: Pulling back on the yoke deflects the trailing edge of the elevator up. This creates a downward aerodynamic force, causing the tail of the aircraft to move down and the nose to pitch up. 
The rudder controls movement about its vertical axis. When deflecting the rudder into the airflow a horizontal force is exerted in the opposite direction. This motion is called yaw. The effectiveness of the rudder increases with speed.

Secondary flight controls include: flaps, spoilers, and trim systems; they affect the angle of attack, pressure on the wings, and lift and drag.

The four aerodynamic forces are lift, weight, thrust, and drag. (lift = weight; thrust = drag)

It is the end of the year and things are falling in to place.

It has been some time ago now, that I have written anything on my blog. Well, I'm back! There have been some really exciting updates in my life and some less amusing ones as well. It is nearing Christmas and I am done with my shopping, with two exceptions: First, I need to purchase something for one of my sisters; I already got her something little but need to put something with it, hmmmmm. Second, I need to find the perfect gift for my work Christmas party that is in a week. I found this LED Hat, that is kind of perfect for pilots when they are working late at night. However it might look a little dorky on people. When it comes to practicality its perfect. I might just buy it for myself for my night flying and running late at night. (because i do that all the time.)

Great things are happening in my work place! I have been promoted at the flight school to work as the Sales and Marketing Director. It is so fun! I have been given a raise and I also get commissions on all the new students I enroll. I am so pumped. Right now because of all the holiday shopping and travel the flight school has been slow and quiet. It looks like the New Year will bring on a whole new group of pilots to the school though. I am enjoying all the prep for the new season. We also are signing a contract to work with a prestigious university soon. This will take the flight school to whole new level and secure its place in the world of professional aviation for good. Lastly, we are starting to reach out more to the high schools and our surrounding community with aviation camps, classes, and special programs. I cannot wait to take these projects from to start to finish. Its kind of what I live for these days.

In the world of fitness, I have taken a back seat. The hibernation that comes with the looming winter months has hit me hard this year. How to beat it? I am setting up a weight loss challenge at work! I am super excited! What better way to keep motivated and working hard then to surround yourself with these goals at work? Standby for updates and look for links on how you can join the online challenge. Why wait for the New Year to roll in. Start now!

My boyfriend and I, are looking to get married next year! As he prepares to leave for basic training I fall more deeply in love with this guy than ever! He is so excited about his future as well as ours. I feel privileged to be apart of it. Nothing is stopping us now! (Side note: I day dreamed the other day about our house decor, it will be a sexy modern twist of aviation and submarine life.)

Thank you for catching up with me! Have a fantastic day!